First day of my life work in office! Wednesday, April 22, 2009 What can I say about this.. Ehem.. I believe everyone also got their first time right? first time ponteng class, first time being treason, first time care about your outlooks, first kiss or perhaps first time sex?! Whatever is it, I believe its a memorable first time. So how its gonna be in my first day work in office? It was fantasy I tell you! I work in some event company and I was dispatched to public relation department. So what I do there? Nothing much actually.. just scanning, editing, typing, pasting, arranging stuff etc. Whats great about working in office is its make my ass got rusty since I sit in the same chair whole day long! And the best thing about this job is>>>>>>> Ha ha.. look at the monitor screen! I was playing Restaurant City!(Facebook game) It's good to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work when the boss was not around. Play some games, have some coffee and relax yourself. =P Times to say ByeBye! tomorrow work start at 9am..dammit.. means I gotta wake up early! But I enjoying the early bird life.. its make me felt fresh everyday.. hehe.. and ya one more thing dedicate to this Jessica aka dark aka ghost.. please dont disturb me when im blogging, its annoyed me.. jk, dont take it serious.. snigger* :> 永别了, 阿桑。 Tuesday, April 7, 2009 今早在中国报翻开到娱乐版时中得知阿桑去世了,一时间真的有点不敢相信,她的去世让华语歌坛又失去了一个好声音。 本名黄嬿璘的阿桑因为演唱《蔷薇之恋》片尾曲《叶子》而走红,总共发行过两张专辑。去年十月被检查出乳癌末期,在4月6日早上八点半,病逝于新店慈济医院,年仅34岁. 34岁的阿桑就因乳癌而丢失了生命,此刻,该说些什么呢?呼吁这什么呢? 就是呼吁这各位女性们啊不管你现在几岁也好都该去你附近的医院做个身体检查。所谓"不握一万,只怕万一"吧,为了万无一失,就要谨防万一! 让我们来一起怀恋阿桑美丽的歌声吧 翅膀 是落在天上的叶子 天堂 原来应该不是妄想 只是我早已经遗忘 当初怎么开始飞翔 孤单 是一个人的狂欢 狂欢 是一群人的孤单 爱情 原来的开始是陪伴 但我也渐渐地遗忘 当时是怎样有人陪伴 我一个人吃饭 旅行 到处走走停停 也一个人看书 写信 自己对话谈心 只是心又飘到了哪里 就连自己看也看不清 我想我不仅仅是失去你 Pink Ribbon "The best protection is early detection" |
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